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Advertising Industry

17 ‘offbeat,’ but revealing, questions for job candidates

Hiring the right talent goes beyond standard interview questions. Offbeat, yet revealing questions can uncover a candidate’s creativity, problem-solving skills, and cultural fit. Jessica Hawthorne-Castro provides her go-to question for hiring managers to ask during their next interview in Business Journals Leadership Trust’s latest article “17 ‘offbeat,’ but revealing, questions for job candidates.”

17 ‘offbeat,’ but revealing, questions for job candidates Read More »

12 challenges startups and SMBs face today (and how to overcome them)

Startups and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face numerous challenges in today’s competitive market. From securing funding to navigating regulatory hurdles, understanding these obstacles is crucial for success. In Business Journals Leadership Trust’s latest article, Jessica Hawthorne-Castro provides practical solutions to these challenges, helping your business thrive and grow.

12 challenges startups and SMBs face today (and how to overcome them) Read More »

Niche business success: How to find and engage your unique audience

Are you struggling to find and engage your unique audience? Understanding your market is the key to business success. Discover how Jessica Hawthorne-Castro stand’s out and achieves sustainable growth in Business Journals Leadership Trust’s online story, “Niche business success: How to find and engage your unique audience.”

Niche business success: How to find and engage your unique audience Read More »