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8 Ways Marketers Should Utilize Tech To Improve The Online User Experience

Technology has enhanced the customer experience quite a bit, with many companies employing the use of artificial intelligence agents for customer service roles. However, despite embracing technology for their customer service needs, many businesses are not fully using tech to improve the way customers engage online.

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Measuring Marketing ROI: 13 Simple And Effective Strategies

It’s pretty common to see marketing agencies focus on a singular dollars-and-cents approach to explaining the effectiveness of a marketing strategy to their clients. The vital misstep in this approach comes from assuming that clients are solely interested in the cost-to-return ratio of a policy. In many cases, businesses are less concerned about the spend and more worried about the value it generates, whether that is in returns or less-tangible metrics like customer loyalty.

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6 Exciting Publishing Trends Ad Professionals Want To See In 2020

It’s a new year and decade, and experts across all industries are waiting to see if their predictions for 2020 trends will come to fruition. The digital publishing landscape is no exception — professionals in advertising and media have a lot of ideas about what’s coming this year. What’s more, these predicted trends have the potential to leave a significant impact on marketers and content creators.

6 Exciting Publishing Trends Ad Professionals Want To See In 2020 Read More »

7 Strategies For Gaining Better Customer Data

A brand is a promise that a business makes to its customers. You can find this definition littered across the internet, but it doesn’t tell you exactly what that promise should be. Brand promises are crafted through their stories. Brand stories try to communicate the brand’s worth to consumers in a noninvasive way, which allows the potential buyer to connect and form a relationship with the brand. Today, many brands see the brand story as a way to humanize their corporate face so that consumers feel more comfortable with them.

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8 Top Tips To Consider When Crafting A Compelling Brand Story

A brand is a promise that a business makes to its customers. You can find this definition littered across the internet, but it doesn’t tell you exactly what that promise should be. Brand promises are crafted through their stories. Brand stories try to communicate the brand’s worth to consumers in a noninvasive way, which allows the potential buyer to connect and form a relationship with the brand. Today, many brands see the brand story as a way to humanize their corporate face so that consumers feel more comfortable with them.

8 Top Tips To Consider When Crafting A Compelling Brand Story Read More »

5 Steps To Creating The Perfect Thank You Page For Your Website

People enjoy it when others appreciate them. This little fact has resulted in a lot of companies doing customer appreciation campaigns that have attracted record amounts of leads. In an online setting, a thank you page is a perfect example of showing appreciation to clients. Yet, despite the usefulness of this recognition, many companies simply overlook the inclusion of a thank you page, much to their detriment. Businesses need to let consumers know how much they value their business.

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